Sunday, September 30, 2007




但,很惊喜地, 这个月也有很多朋友关心我。。234 很巧的数字。。你们是不是担心我还是无业游民呀?。。谢啦! 本小姐 2 Oct 就开工了。。经过一番想太多,还是选择留在槟城,做回本行。。 希望一切都顺顺利利啦~~

p/s: picture of syok sendiri ;p;p;p


台湾, 别名宝岛,我毕业旅行的地方。

十分懒惰的我,一直说要把游记写在部落格,但只写了Day 1。。哈哈!

三不五时,都会想念台北。。是很想念很想念那种。。常常把队友Frida 的帖读了又读。。

两个礼拜前,经由Frida介绍的新朋友Drwong+新帖。。另一种方式的自助旅行,台东民宿 。。让我动心了。。

又在两三天前,Frida 又把我的心弄得痒痒了。。她通知我Byoki 从台湾回来了,还开始写游记了。。

我的心。。 出走了。。

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ipoh + Cameron Highlands

23.9.07 - half-day trip

Woke up by the doremon theme song.. wondering what i was going to do today(too blur as slept around 2am).. hmm..

Went to withdrew money from ATM.. still blur.. so made a wrong call and ter-wake Saggy up.. sorry Saggy..

Picked up SooPyng n PeiEr.. then then.. we off to IPOH for dimsum!!! crazy~

Arrived Ipoh Tesco Extra and bought a cake for YueFoong who was coming to meet us.. as earlier bday wish la~..

We went to the dimsum shop named 明阁 which been introdcued by 阿贤人情味 before.. well, was my request ;p;p.. there was super crowded and 4 of us have to wait so long for a table, which is big enuf to share with another 2groups (6ppl) of strangers.. haha.. the dimsum just ok.. but i love the 芝麻糊 coz it's really fine and tasty!!

Tabao the famous tau-fu-fah and off to Cameron Highlands!! it's so so so soft.. ho jiak!!

dunno wat time..
First, we went the newly opened strawberry farm.. cool cool n windy.. the 1st thing we did was visited the washroom, haha.. very clean :">.. then, we tried the strawberry shake which is delicious (drink it cold n fast)~!! They sell fresh strawbeery and customer is allowed to pick themselves from the strawberry plant.. There sell salad too as many fresh vegetables is planted..

p/s: Foong's new Pentax digicam very cool~.. thin, light, fast processor, VERY good stabilization, big LCD, 7.1 MP, 3x optical zoom... it's really more than enuf for a normal user like me.. considering to get one.. hehe..

Next, we went to market for 'shopping'.. Bought Pearl Sweetcorn for mom and Strawberry for dajie.. Pyng and Er also bought some other vegetables~.. Foong recognized an local actor, but we couldnt recall his name, haha..

The 3rd and last destination was teh 'BOH' tea farm.. we missed the junction n only realised when we went very far from it... 3 of us thought of giving up on that.. but Foong insisted to go back for it.. It's really very far when we find the way up again...

Finally, we got there after asked the direction from a garden cafe's owner.. the last 2km road to tea farm was very narrow and dangerous.. but, it's really no regret to go for it!!!!!!!!!! The scenery is so nice, cozy whether with little rain... the cafe is very classy, a good place for high-tea.. and of course, we helped ourselves with hot tea, sandwich and cakes there.. relax~.. then, bought my favourite camomile teabag at only RM9.90 (25 sachets) and some other flavours such as lemon myrtle, cameronian and strawberry raspberry.. ^^

It was getting late and we have to go since they have to work tmr.. we back to Ipoh town to get 香饼.. too bad the 盐局鸡 was sold out and need another 1 hour for next batch, so we gave it up..

Bid farewell with Foong and heading back to North..

12 hours trip ended with lots of fun.. Pyng n Er were so steady to meet new fren Foong.. and Thanks Foong for the tour~!! We appreciate your warm hospitality very much~!! Muax~!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

sharing *3*



結婚前大部分男人喜歡在女人面前獻媚,帶著女孩出去吃飯,女孩喜歡吃什麼?就點什 麼?還要拼命的往女孩碗裏夾肉夾菜,笑咪咪地不停囑咐多吃點,女孩幸福地吃下笑咪咪地問:你為什麼不吃?答曰:秀色可餐。



老爸和老媽是模範夫妻,吃東西總是互相謙讓。 家裏吃點蝦蟹子,爸爸總是一口不吃,他說不喜歡吃,怎樣勸都不行,我覺得沒人不願意吃這些,他只是不捨得吃。吃個鹹鴨蛋流油的黃總是從這個碗裏夾到那個碗裏,又從那個碗裏夾回來。一直很敬佩爸爸那樣的人。

子曰是我男友,我們倆在一起基本上屬於天造地設的一對,感情上也比較合拍,曾經我以為找到了最適合自己的男人。他唯一的缺點就是自私,這種自私的表現也僅僅是在吃上面。對於他喜歡吃的東西,他誰也顧不上,即使是他愛的我也不例外。 或許是家庭影響吧!他們家爺們一個德行,女人慣的。


譬如我們一起吃罐頭(大多時候我買的),他總是獨自握著瓶子大口地塞,偶爾塞一塊我嘴裏,那眼神,就象我從他嘴裏奪出來的,割了他肉般的難受,他的一串動作塞、咀嚼、吞咽絕對的流暢和麻利,他會連湯帶水一點不留下,順溜地把它吃完,咂 吧咂吧嘴走了,徒留我尷尬的大口。我和他煮一隻雞,所有的精華部分全被他揀了去,他絕對不會跟你客氣,拿雙筷子在 自己眼前翻夠翻到我眼前,我很想告訴他,即使是他不揀我也不捨得把好肉自己吃了。

他很喜歡吃雞珍,其實我也很喜歡吃,有一次我夾了一塊放到自己的碗裏,他的眼尖一下就看到了,抬頭質問我:你為什麼吃我的雞珍?我啞口無言,甚至覺得自己太饞了,有種偷了別人東西的感覺。冬天的西瓜很貴,他喜歡吃。 我們都是工薪階層,賺錢也不多,所以買回來,我從來都說不喜歡。他吃西瓜是一剖兩瓣,拿勺子挖著吃,他吃的聲音淅瀝嘩啦,我饞的口水偷偷地咽也 不會向他討要。

那天他吃呀吃實在是吃不動了,剩下的就放在桌子上出去了,我收拾屋子,看到他吃剩的西瓜裏面還有一點點紅,覺得扔了可惜,就把它挖乾淨了。他回來後找西瓜,我說剩了一點點,以為你不吃了,我吃完扔了。結果他差點跟我翻臉了:你吃就吃了吧,還說剩一點點我記得還剩下半個呢!虛偽!我又一次在他面前無 地自容。

更可笑的是,有一次他買了四串烤羊肝在車上等我,結果等我不來,他實在饞不過 了,全吃了,我上車聽到了燒烤的味道,問他,他振振有詞:誰讓你不早點出來!心裏有點酸酸的,覺得他沒心沒肺,很難過。於是我說,給你講個故事吧!


為了阻斷他們交往,畢業的時候女孩的父親運用職權將男孩調到邊區貧困的地方,女 孩知道後和父親斷絕關係毅然地跟了去。兩個人吃盡苦受盡累,但能相依為命他們仍然覺得值。有一年中秋,隊裏給每家分了一塊月餅,僅有一塊。






五月的一天,我去他家,老人不在家,他說想吃炒雞蛋了,我說好,我炒給你吃,我 啪啪有一口氣打了八個雞蛋,切點蔥花,放點鹽,加點水,又切了兩根火腿腸,磁啦 倒進鍋裏,八個雞蛋炒了一屋子香味,整整盛湯的一大碗。我端出去給他,我說我下點速食麵我們中午就吃這些了。

我俐落地把速食麵下到鍋裏,興奮地跑出來,以為他會從碗裏舀一大勺雞蛋塞到我嘴裏。跑到眼前我楞住了,一大碗雞蛋一點都沒了,碗光潔照人,照著我尷尬的臉,而他沒事的樣子,正在看著一本雜誌。我終於明白了,在他眼裏,只有他自己,他並不是太饞,只是他心裏沒有我,既然他 心裏沒有我,我還留下來做什麼呢?我從鍋裏盛出速食麵,恭敬地放在他面前,我 說:子曰,請慢慢享用,以後不用擔心有人會和你搶東西吃,因為,我決定離開你。


不記得電影的名字了,但一直記得女主角的媽媽跟她說: 〞要嫁的話,要嫁給那個永遠願意為她留最後一口食物的男人。〞 表面上聽起來沒什麼意義,今天看來,就是這道理吧。

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


又长了。。 越来越长了。。
很蓬了。。 越来越蓬了。。
太乱了。。 不被控制了。。
不舍了。。 还是花掉了。。

Monday, September 17, 2007


is horoscope true? *2*

see these: (

notice this?
If you noticed.. If you got what i mean.. What do you think?.. Let's see who got the same answer as mine.. Please share your comment.. thx ;p;p;p

lion + lion

This is Sunway Carnival Mall la~
Saw these lions.. on the event of promoting the knitting class.. handmade one.. very cute.. didnt buy ;p;p

live to eat *6*

It's weekend!! Went lepak with Cyong n Er.. checked out the famous chicken rice at Chai Leng Park.. The tomyam soup is nice!!
Then, we went to Tenggiri Foodcourt for the peanut-blended and red-bean-blended, nice!!!

Went Sunway Carnival Mall with mom & dajie..
Had our lunch at kopitiam opposite the mall named Kapitan..
The nasi lemak is so-so.. coz the rice didnt cook with coconut milk as it suppose to be..
The fried noodle (yuet-guong-ho) is very nice!!! can you see the yolk at the middle?? ^^

Sushi King's yearly peomotion was back!! 10-13.9.07 at all outlets.
RM2 per plate (rice based sushi) for all members.
I went with Tyrone as last year.. this time, we chose to try e-gate's..
I arrived 1st, gave the waitress my name and waited for an hour outside for the seats..
Then, we were served politely and the food quality also good..
Choices were ok and since there was too crowded n need to "self-service" for popular flavours..
Just, we're old, only able to eat half quantity of last year.. haha!

..old house..

15 years ago.. i stayed there.. for many years..
after my family, it's my 3yi's family..
then, followed by grandaunt (popo) and Tin-yi's family..

now, all left the house.. no more related to it.. cant alwiz go there / simply go inside already..
miss my childhood time.. and the painting on living room's wall..

简单的幸福 *1*

I-Lynn 送的。。 from Dubai。。 nice choc!!!。。

小舅送的Tiramisu Choc。。


与妈妈,弟弟,妹妹一起吃的。。Choc Fondue..

与家人到阿贤介绍的海南西餐店去。。Thai source Chic。。



珍珠玉米 (left; RM3 each) vs 普通玉米 (right; 70cents each)
Pearl Corn (left) from Cameron Highland, very sweet ^^

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

~ Mayday 五月天 ~

其实,在他们还没‘红’到马来西亚之前, 我就知道他们的存在了。。 记得那时,我到处去找他们的卡带。。售货员还问我:“什么是五月天啊?” (与我去找‘后巷男孩’backstreet boys 和周董的唱片时一样)。。 >.<

会认识他们,我又要说了:看戏真的可以学很多东西, 增广见闻!。。 有人看过 《侠女闯天关》 吗?。。“温柔”这首片尾曲深深地打动了我。。先是惊艳。。两集过后,我就上脑了。。 爱上了那触动我心的歌词,牵动我情的旋律。。 真的很爱很爱这首歌。。。

最终,让我在唱片行找到了。。 那时还是穷穷中学生 (现在是穷穷打工女),把卡带一遍又一遍地 rewind 学唱这首歌。。。直到很累很累。。才甘愿让卡带好好地, 正常地播完十首歌。。 又一次!!大大地惊艳!!! 首首都很好听。。。这次我无法自拔地爱上这支亚洲第一天团了!!!

从卡带时期到唱片时期, 我拥有他们每一个专辑(有在大马出售的)。。 5年前,在他们暂退歌坛前,我有幸握到了他们的手,尤其是阿信的。。 拥有了人生第一张有歌手亲笔签名的专辑- 人生海海。。太感动了!! 原来拥有偶像的亲笔签名是这么感动的。。虽然,石头没来, 他到英国去升造了。。没关系, 因为一定有下一次的!!!

4年后的去年, 他们终于回来了。。风头一时无两。。这是当然的。。实力派是值得乐迷等待的!!! 我错过了他们在大马的最后一场暂别乐坛演唱会, 这次的重返乐坛的大马演唱会我当然排队进摇滚区了~~ 。。 那晚一片波动的红海,真的很 high!!

2007!!他们又来了!!! 他们到了北海的汽车城 Autocity。。一个离本小姐家十分不远的地方。。 爽!!
很早, 很 kia 输,大约下午4 时30分, 我就和弟弟去了汽车城。。 因为那儿是工业区,放工时间超塞车的。。所以子贺和我就各自带了‘哈利波特’去寿司金 Sushi King 吃晚餐。。 然后再到舞台旁的 Segafredo 等朋友们的到来,等签唱会的开始。。遇见很多钟灵的 Seniors n Juniors 。。

这次, 准备了两份本小姐的生日礼物让偶像签上大名。。 都是台湾版的哦~~。。一本是依璇去年在西门町买给我的阿信的 《HappyBirthday》。。一个是东笙刚从台北托人带回来的新专辑‘离开地球表面’。。 爱死你们了!!

845pm。。主持人文康开腔了。。说真的,很不喜欢这个人, 他写的书是不错, 我也有一本,还是他亲笔签名的。。但他主持真的不行。。不懂为何会这么红。。可能我爱以台湾的标准来衡量吧。。 但这样也是为他们好呀。。。
接着,又一个我不懂为何媒体会把她吹捧得这么厉害的。。五月天的“师妹”-丁当。。她真的唱得“很新”。。你懂我意思吗?。。她还要唱足3 首。。真的让我很痛苦。。拜托放过我们的耳朵吧, 让我们见我们的偶像吧。。不要逼我们听下去了。。爱屋及乌也有个底线的。。 很可怜五月天,演艺圈真的很让人身不由己。。

Finally.. Eventually.. Lastly.. “欢迎亚洲第一天团- 五!月! 天!!!!”
亲眼, 亲眼看到他们了。。 这次5 个都来齐了。。现场马上陷入一片疯狂。。身体里的每个细胞都随着他们的音乐飙起来了!! 冠佑的鼓声。。阿信的歌声和带动。。怪兽,石头和玛莎的吉他声。。 每一首都让乐迷们和着,跳着,尖叫着。。 在场算很老的我也动了起来, 虽然没像演唱会时那么疯(才签唱会就失态,会很不好意思嘛)。。 high! high!! high!!!
很快地。。5 首歌就唱完了。。 很不够喉。。 真希望是个演唱会, 唱足4 小时。。因为下雨 + 我没带伞。。等了40分钟,我才到队伍的尾端排队拿签名。。他们都很快地签,很卖力地握手,很诚恳地微笑道谢。。阿信看到他的书还很开心地傻笑起来, 那模样真的好笑,像小孩在窃喜着。。哈哈。。 也好啦。。我开心时,你也快乐。。 哈哈!!。。 可能你认为他们假,但至少他们不像有些歌手那么自以为是高高在上的。。我真的遇过,在Pacific。。忘了他的名,因为那个骄傲样让我马上放弃他。。
“欢乐时间过得特别快,又是时候讲拜拜”。。 短短的75分钟就这样 high 完了。。哼着他们的曲子和弟弟回家去了。。真是个特别的雨夜。。期待着他们的演唱会。。 五月天,赶快来开唱吧 ^^


p/s: 他们每一次的活动都会下雨, 真是“有水(钱),有水(钱)”, 很吉利。。 也没影响乐迷的high,风雨无阻啊 ;p;p;p

Monday, September 10, 2007

..Lion's 1st fren..

Suddenly.. have the feeling of time passing very fast, and i also 25 already..

A thought of "my first..." thingy pop-up in my mind..

Here i wanna introduce The First Friend in my life..

She is Joyce Ng, i know her before entering kindergarden.. i don't know the exact date we knowing each other because we were too young at that time..

She was my neighbour and we are very good friend since young.. always play together and she is the only competitor to me during kindergarden time.. both of us had to re-test because we got 100marks in all 5 subjects.. geng ler~..Finally, so lucky i got the 1st place.. maybe she purposely let me win gua.. ;p;p;p

Back in old time, she can sing very well as well as dance gracefully, a very talented girl.. nice and out-going personality of her let her have many friends around.. more than me, i believe..

We went for different primary school, secondary school, as well as University.. different growing environment and friend circles did make us apart (physically) for years.. we are not very much in touch(as in hang out together) now, but i do keep a special place in my heart for her.. anyhow, her house just not far from me.. hehe.. and we knowing things happen around each other because my cousin Meow, who also our good friend, keep us updated.. ^^

Curious of Lion's First Friend? Check the pic below, i grabbed from her friendster without informing her, keke.. coz i couldnt find a recent pic of me and her.. only have kid's pic together.. will take one with her soon, i hope ;p;p

How? how? pretty ler... of course la!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

~Holiday in KL~

Lai.. my long long story.....

Having my endless (so far) holiday now.. so, went KL for a week... think u all knew that as i annouced in all YM, MSN, Skype etc..

main purpose: wanna see see all my frens there.. miss them so much..

others: ngam-ngam got a call that asked me for interview in PJ right after i bought the train ticket =))

So, took train there alone.. it's convenient and safe to take train nowadays if compare to bus.. RM38 for the upper bed.. got toilet got canteen.. sleep and wake up, then arrive d, i like it!!

After meeting my dear I-lynn in Penang, I departed to KL at 10pm from B'worth, some p*gs around very noisy.. so i read magazine till very late...

The train was late.. suppose to arrive at 645am.. but i arrived KL sentral at 730am..

Took ktm with half price (just show the train ticket at the counter) to Subang Jaya..

ChunSeong picked me up and we went to get ChoonWai and my dear YeeWan.. my very 1st gathering in KL.. they are my 'last' ex-roommate/housemates back in MMU... Well, Alvin still in his dream and not joining us...

We spent some happy time together.. makan makan.. dimsum, tried the new gai-wo-bao @ Sri Petaling.. then Tong-kei egg tart.. then zhu-yok-fan @ PetalingJaya.. haha...

2pm, they dropped me to SunwayPiramid to meet another dear Agnes and SinHau @ Redbox.. then we're heading to Cineplex Leisure for 'Evan Almighty'.. not bad the show.. got to see many animals such as elephant, panda.. and of course LION!!!

Went to pick my brother ZiKah then we met up with Agnes' parents, as well as Karen jie, Tiam and WenShu, for seafood dinner @ somewhere Petaling Jaya... very nice, both the food and the environment.. reasonable charge also.. very packed, so reservation is needed... Thanks babypanda for the meal (my birthday gift ^^)...

That's it.. a very full 1st day~.. reached uncle's house also around midnight already~ ^^

Woke up very very early.. and walked to Taipan to wait for Mai... met the City-Run in this Sunday morning.. "blow blow wind" near Taipan Mcdy.. until the cute cute Myvi arrived in front of me.. Happy Happy departed to Klang with Mai, AhFen, Fanny and Weson...

Why were we going to Klang? because we're going to give our ex-lecturer Dr. Wah (nickname AhYeh, i gave one ;p;p;p) a surprise~~.. we brought forward to celebrate his bday~!!

Met up with AhYeh at somewhere near Giant.. soon after, another car arrived.. MengYee, Sophia and Apak joined us... but Roti and Uncle Fire were late, coz they drove till Holland... so, they joined us directly at the famous bak-kut-teh place that AhYeh brought us to...

At the bak-kut-teh place, there was so crowded.. we waited for a while only got ourselves a big table.. and AhYeh bunched the greentea he bought from Taiwan.. nice nice~ Fanny and i love it^^.. and the bak-kut-teh really served only BAK (pork).. and every1 have a bowl for ourselves.. not like those we use to eat (a big pot with many pork and vege)... it tastes very KIT (thick) and strong herbs smell, delicious~!!

After that, as i so ke-po, AhYeh brought us to see the "famous politician's house" in Klang.. walao~ really big, summore have gold painting.. wonder how much of our money in it ;p;p;p

Then, we went to AhYeh's new house (actually not so new la, just we'd been long never visit him.. haha).. like his big big LCD with PPS so much.. also saw his 2nd daughter (i call her Elva, coz her sis name Elsa.. akkakaa).. we brought the cake + Pg tao-sa-pia + gift for him.. he very touched (he said one)... sang sang song.. blew blew candleSSS.. Happy Birthday~!!!

Guess what?! AhYeh brought us to Klang biggest temple... for me to 'ask for my fortune' (求签)...yea, i'm that 3-8 one.. i tried few times, but didnt get the 'answer' from Guan-Yin.. so i concluded myself that FATE NOT YET ARRIVE... and, gave up =)) =)) =))

Bid farewell with AhYeh.. on the way back...
Uncle left his hp in Mai's car, while i left things in Uncle's car... 3 of us really ex-housemates =))

WenPin picked Roti, Fanny and I at the petrol-station-street (i named it) which located at the Kesas highway.. then we heading to Sunway Piramid's Redbox.. hehe... long long time didnt sing k with the gang already.. too bad HuiYee was back in PD and unable to join...

7pm!!!! balik balik... why so rush?? because it's my lovely cousin sister's, HuiYing, birthday... my uncle's best friend, YiXin, and his wife also joined us to have steambot at home.. yum~ yum~.. bought her a doremon from KFC.. haha..

Today is the first day i drove myself in KL.. manual-car.. my shaking leg busy stepping on clutch, brake, gas, clutch, brake, gas.. kin-jiong!! ;p;p;p

Morning ler.. sent Zikah to have a haircut.. then sent him back Cyberjaya... online at his house for a while... after that, hightea with Fanny and HorngSheng in FCM cafe.. been so long never step in MMU, haha... found alot of international students.. not like last time alot of malaysian chinese around... some events were going on around library to lecture hall to FCM.. more like a pasar malam than a campus.. i dont like it...

Back to USJ.. Ah Kim (my aunty) cook very nice dinner for me.. lying on sofa and watched TV.. haha..

Supper time... yamcha with my ex-housemates again.. this round met at Taipan's CoffeeBean as usual.. coz it's walking distance for me... haha.. they spoilt me.. all 迁就 me... Since it was raining.. Alvin wanted to fetch me.. but this busy guy, his hp super-low-batt... walao.. kenot give him a proper direction to come.. nearly wanna report police that he is lost in USJ 6.. haha.. luckily he smart enough and found my uncle's house at last... everything back on track and we met up with Andy, YeeWan and ChoonWai (Fai).. chit chat happily~~.. thanks Alvin for the drink, haha~

Followed the map my uncle drew for me.. drove the manual-car again to attend interview in PJ near Jalan 222... the interviewrs were friendly and everything went smoothly... then as usual asked me go back and wait 2 weeks for answer... (i got the offer, but havnt accept it til now ;p;p;p)

After that, met up with AudreyTing, she led me to SS2 with a new route(to me).. i was so excited, haha.. We had our sister-chat at One Noodle (ramen restaurant)... the ramen really nice, reasonable price (consider cheap around SS2 area).. i like it~.. will go again~.. Then, we checked out some cute puppies at pet shop.. she explained the characteristics of different breed to me.. wahh, really need huge knowledge to have a dog as pet... i think it's too mafan.. ;p

Another relaxing day..
read newspaper in the morning... went to Subang Parade with my aunty and cousins to get a present for my uncle's birthday.. then i brought my cousin brother, YeeHung, to watch Ratatouille at GSC The Summit... he was extremely excited.. very cute.. u can see the picture, he wanted to take one.. haha~

A busy + weird day... how weird?? ok, i try my best to explain...

A peaceful morning.. woke up quite late.. spent time to play with cousin.. after that, uncle dropped me to Kelana Jaya LRT during his lunch break.. why so early as i'm going for Merdeka celebration?? coz i dunlike to get into the heavy traffic lor...

weird ~1~
While waiting for the Ikano free shuttle to come, a guy who look like 30+, wore a thick jacket, carried a big schoolbag at the back, another big bag at shoulder and a 60's plastic bag, came to ask me...
"are you going to Ikano? by bus?" .. well, maybe he wanna ask to share a cab..
"yes, waiting for the shuttle bus"
"what time the bus coming?"
"i have no idea"
"are you goin to submit form?"
"huh? no i didnt"
"i'm goin to submit the form, for the lucky draw" .. oh, event of Merdeka day's countdown..
"i see" .. i intended to stop the conversation..
"u'd submit a form too, u can cut from The Star, the 1st prize is big...." ..he kept mumbling..
meanwhile.. he took out all his belongings in the plastic bag and put on the floor.. got water bottle, Harry Potter novel, newspaper, umbrella, etc.. This had shocked me and other people around.. we tried to walked away from him without his notice (don hurt his feeling ma...)..
"u know what time the bus coming?" .. he turned to me AGAIN..
"no, just wait for it"
"i'm very rush, u know, the closing time is 3pm..(continue mumbling).." .. my watch shown 250pm.. =.=

weird ~2~
Finally pitt him (he got on a bus arrived just before the shuttle bus).. i got on the free shuttle successfully.. found a seat and settled down.. It's my 1st time take this free shuttle, so excited.. haha.. kampung girl.. ;p;p;p

Then, a student sat beside me.. she very hardworking (1st impression) as she reading the Communication Skill's book... As i'm not sure the routine for this free shuttle service.. i wanna ask for my younger sister who will meet me at Ikano later.. i started a conversation with her..
"Hi, sorry to disturb you, i'd like to ask is this an hourly service?"
"Yes.. I think.. every hour.." .. with her unstable english..
"all right, thank you" ..i'd got what i want, sms my sister to ask her arrive Kelana Jaya LRT station before 5pm/6pm/7pm, so she need not to miss it and wait an hour for the next to come..

"are you the 1st time taking this? i'm 1st time actually..." ..she resumed the conversation..
"oh, yea, my 1st time.." ..i prefer to enjoy the journey with scenery out there..

"why you going there?" .. she came again..
"meeting frens, u? study?" .. u know, KDU around there..
"oh, i'm going for an interview actually"
"oh.. all the best ya"
"i'm very nervous..." ..i see, a freshie..
"by the way, my name is HingChing"
"oh.. I'm Janice" .. met a new friend..
then, as she shown a helpless face, i also very ke-po to shared my interview experience with her.. until we reached Ikano at 330pm..

Initially, i planned to go Popular to read some books.. But, since she needed help.. no harm to 日行一善 la~.. so, we went to A&W and i continued to share my experience with her...
I thought it's only for an hour, but her interviewer was late, very late... so, with my lan-friendly-character.. brought her a tour to Ikea, The Curve and Ikano (her 1st time here although she is local from Serdang).. and finally i tried the ice-cream in Ikea!!! the machine was out-of-service always!!.. so lucky today.. maybe coz i was doing good deed... =))

Around 7pm, gathered with my sister ZiXing... then Janice left for the interview around 730pm..
Sis and i have nuthing to do, so we simply shopped around.. bought brothers' birthday gift... and i got 2 pairs of socks from her as birthday gift.. u know, buy2 free 1, we're 节俭姐妹花.. haha.. 'buy useful one, buy during sales'.. smart consumer.. you know, even sales, they still have profit one~ ;p;p;p

9pm.. ZiXing joined her friends (i knew them but hard to remember who is who, only recognize ahTatt whose our old neighbour) for dinner and countdown.. meanwhile, i met with Agnes, SinHau and KingBoon for dinner.. We enjoyed our food in Itallianies.. the angel hairs pasta, smoked salmon pizza and seafood.. the portion is big enuf for 4ppl to share.. i like the starter - 2 types of bread served with olive oil + vinegar.. delicious!!~~

We spent very long time chitchat in the restaurant, therefore we missed the performance of Fish Leong (this is our main purpose to go there for Merdeka day countdown!!!).. hahaha.. we only managed to see the fireworks.. very nice.. many ppl shouted "Merdeka! Merdeka!..".. well, sounds funny to me.. i love Malaysia (not the gov) but not that patriotic kok.. then, to avoid the long Q of cars on the road while every1 was leaving... we went to Starbucks to have a drink.. tried the Mango ice-blended and Greentea ice-blended.. ^^

That's my National Day Celebration.. seems like we more concern on our dinner.. bo bian, it's really ho-jiak =))

FAMILY DAY~~ tired of driving.. drove more than 120km today...

Went in Cyberjaya again with ZiXing + YeeHung + HuiYing (let uncle n aunty paktor) to get my en-dao twins, Zikah n ZiHerk, out to USJ... As i miss Puchong's Yong-Tau-Fu so much, we went to tabao it for lunch... uncle also bought ice-kacang for us.. ate till so full~~

After that, 4 of us went to Midvalley for movies.. "Secret" left 2 seats only, so ZiKah and i gave the seats to ZiHerk n ZiXing who havnt watch before.. 2 of us went for "Contract Lover"..

Then, sent ZiXing back to Setapak... one year!! i never been there for a year!!.. although i knew the way well, still very nervous as sky getting darker and it's raining... scared scared went, scared scared back..

Arrived home also 8pm+ d.. so tired.. no energy to have dinner outside anymore.. so ah Kim ready dinner for us.. yeah!! Uncle's best friend YiXin + wife and a girl came again, they bought us very delicious nasi lemak summore.. we chit chat + watch TV.. relaxxxxx.. and we didnt get to bed early because bros and i 'pia' 6 episods of drama 岁月风云.. haha.. crazy!!!

Forced to wake up at 8am.. coz meeting my ex-colleague MiMi at Tesco Puchong for breakfast.. we sat for hours in Mcdy to chitchat.. so 'high' to see her back after 2 years although we alwiz chat on phone ;p;p;p

Wait!!! i havnt eat banmin!!! KL banmin!!! PG banmin not nice one >.< color="#3366ff">Michelle for a short while.. to show her my short hair + pass her birthday gift.. now me and her and lynn have the same length of hair.. haha~ jimui~

Time passed very fast... a week had finished.. my last dinner for the trip was famous Hokkien mee (dai-lok-min) at Jalan 222.. bit oily but taste nice.. the ee-min not bad la~, but the ikan bakar was not so fresh...

At last, uncle dropped me n ZiHerk at Midvalley.. we bought the 'Harry Potter & The half blood prince' and muffins from C.Bean.. then off to KL sentral by ktm.. and went back butterworth by train again...

That's all for the trip.. very happy to see so many friends this round and thanks u guys for meeting up with me~.. really appreciate that.. thanks uncle & aunty for letting me stay for so long and feed me till fat fat ;p;p

Tired?? i tired of writting (split to many days to write) and you tired of reading.. what for?! =))

Now you all know why i couldnt answer when you asked me "how's ur trip in KL?".. because it's too long to tell~!!! ;p;p;p