suddenly pop-up a MSN msg:-
"hi, u got parcel at my place"
"issit? my parcel should send to EE, rite?"
"ppl this is my coll xxx, coz the name is so blur (u knw the carbon paper)"
"ar.. so funny.. i din know anyone sending anything to me ler.. where is ur place, i go collect now.."
"u come...xxxx..."
"is bomb? XD"
"patung, lion" ... SHOCKED!
"huh? ppl send lion to me? i come now"
(Thanks YC~!!)
i walked super fast to another office and got the parcel fast fast.. the parcel already opened, coz if din open, no one knows is belongs to who..
TO: (me la!)
FROM: Sandy Ooi
What a BIG surprise!!!
SIPEK HAPPY.. rushed back my cubical to thank SAndy in MSN... also Maria who helped in this surprise~~ BIG THANKS!!! you girls made my day!!! I love you both!!!
come, i show you picture which i took 5 minutes ago, hahaha!!
STILL VERY HAPPY... Happy-ing~~~